



Golani Soldiers swearing in Ceremony at the Western Wall

credit: Western Wall Heritage Foundation
Friends, family, and visitors to the Western Wall Plaza took part in the Golani swearing in ceremony today (Sunday). As Israel is fighting a war for existence, these ceremonies are more emotional than ever.

Many IDF combat units hold their “hashba’ah” or swearing in ceremony at the Western Wall. Their families come to join the ceremony which is inspiring and emotional for everyone present. At the beginning of the war, some units held their ceremonies inside Gaza. Now the ceremonies have returned to the Western Wall. Last week, Givati held their hashba’ah, this evening (Sunday) was Golani’s. These soldiers are entering the army with great determination to defend Israel, and their parents are full of pride including Yoav Fulka, a new recruit, whose brother Emanuel Falka fell in battle in Gaza in this War. Although this must be difficult for his parents, they stood proudly by his side at the ceremony.

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