



A New research: Columbus is of Jewish origin

Columbus. Wikipedia

Throughout the ages, many have wondered whether there is a connection between 2 of the great events of the 15th century, which took place in 1492 – on the one hand, the discovery of the American continent by Christopher Columbus on the mission of the United Kingdom of Spain; and on the other hand, the expulsion of Spanish Jews from the kingdom – one of the most important collective traumas in the history of the Jewish people. Many wondered if Columbus’ ship fellows were Jews who were expelled from Spain at the time, and speculation had surfaced about Columbus himself, who had a slightly dim and probably Italian origin.

But now, an advanced scientific study conducted in Spain by a team of researchers led by Miguel Lorenta suggests that the hypotheses were confirmed — based on DNA samples. Taken from the remains of Columbus’ body (apparently; his burial place is not entirely known, and he is probably laying in a church in Seville), and more solidly from his son’s grave. The samples show that Columbus and his son have strong remains of the Jewish chromosome, a genetic structure that characterizes mainly Jews throughout the Middle Ages. The scientific research team could not add any historical details, and only knew to assume that Columbus’s true origin was from some Western European country.

Columbus is undoubtedly one of the most important people in history, and his discovery (though he never fully understood it in his lifetime) is considered to be one of the most important in Western history, and is considered by many historians to be the point of transition from the Middle Ages to the modern era. It is important to note that in recent times Columbus has been at the heart of a public controversy in the various American states, where many of the native descendants and their political supporters do not see him as a celebrated explorer but as a brutal occupier and a murderous colonialist. It is hoped that this discovery would raise awareness of the importance of Jews in human history and not lead to another anti-Semitic increase in the name of anti-colonialist struggle.

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