



Minister Regev visits the National Cyber ​​Center for Smart Transportation

Credit: Ben Haddad, Wikipedia
The Minister of Transportation, Miri Regev, visited the National Cyber ​​Center for Smart Transportation in Be'er Sheva yesterday (Tuesday). The center, which was established in cooperation between the Ministry of Transportation, the Aerospace Industry (Alta), Ben-Gurion University and the National Cyber ​​Center, is a key pillar in strengthening the defense of Israel's transportation infrastructure against cyber attacks.

According to the estimates of cyber experts, since the Gaza War, the number of attack attempts by Israeli bodies and organizations has increased significantly, with 99% of the attempts failing. However, there is still a significant threat from malicious actors that could seriously damage essential infrastructures, including traffic management and control systems, vehicle databases, vehicle fleets and even individual vehicles.

A report recently published by the National Cyber ​​Organization estimates the economic damage caused to the Israeli economy as a result of cyber attacks at approximately 12 billion NIS per year.

The National Cyber ​​Center for Smart Transportation is designed to provide a response to these threats. The center serves as a professional knowledge center for cyber defense in the field of transportation, and performs robustness tests, technological studies and simulations of cyber attacks. The center’s activities are designed to ensure the safety of passengers, maintain traffic continuity and assist in the development of advanced transportation technologies while maintaining cyber protection.

During the visit, the center’s activities were presented to Minister Regev, including a demonstration of remote control of private vehicle systems. The minister emphasized the importance of continuing to develop the center as part of the State of Israel’s preparations to deal with cyber threats in the field of smart transportation.

The establishment of the National Cyber ​​Center for Smart Transportation is a significant step in strengthening Israel’s cyber defense. The center’s activities will help ensure the safety of passengers, maintain traffic continuity and assist in the development of advanced transportation technologies while maintaining cyber protection.

Minister of Transportation and Road Safety Brigadier General Miri Regev: “The National Cyber ​​Center for Smart Transportation, the first of its kind in Israel, is an innovative and essential project, the establishment of which I initiated and promoted during my previous term in the Ministry of Transportation. I am proud to see how the idea creamed skin and sinews and became a center bustling with life and full of activity. In the near future we will expand the activity to the aviation and ports industry as well. Cyber ​​attacks are a tangible and real danger, carried out by global criminal organizations, anti-Israel activists, terrorist groups and enemy countries such as Iran and Lebanon, directly or through their agents.”

The minister also said: “Every day the defense mechanisms of the State of Israel intercept hundreds and thousands of cyber attacks, which aim to damage essential and critical infrastructure facilities and the activity of the Israeli economy, and disrupt our lives through damage to the electricity, water, communication and transportation systems. The center in Be’er Sheva, next to the cyber monitoring center of the office in Israel (transportation SOC), and in cooperation with the national cyber system, maintain our personal and national security, and give us technological superiority over our enemies.”

CEO of Ayalon Routes, Orly Stern: “The display of purpose we saw today emphasized the vital need to prepare against cyber threats in the field of smart transportation. The Ayalon Routes Company together with the Ministry of Transportation, the National Cyber ​​System and Elta Company of the Aerospace Industry and in cooperation with the Municipality of Be’er Sheva, will continue to develop technological innovation in order to ensure safe and protected transportation for all road users.”

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